Please Subscribe to Alyson Schafer's News Letter

April Parenting Newsletter

In this edition of your monthly parenting newsletter I suggest some fun ways to get your family involved and celebrating Earth Day! In my #AskAlyson section, I answer one parent's question about what to do when Grandma and Grandpa parent differently than you. 

I am thrilled to be speaking at NASAP this June, and I urge you to check out the awesome program they've got lined-up.

Don't forget to get your tickets for the Tweens & Teens workshop in April while the Early Bird pricing is still available! Next, be sure to mark your calendars, and hold a date for my workshop on Sibling Rivalry in early May.

For those of you tuning in from far and wide, be sure to bring your questions and join me on Facebook later this month for another open Q&A!

Finally, head to my YouTube channel for weekly parenting tips. This week: Tattle Tale Siblings.

Happy parenting, 

10 Fun Ways To Celebrate Earth Day
Happy April!

I had the great fortune of having a childhood which included many experiences of being out in nature.  We camped and cottaged as a family, allowing for hours of playing in the forest and the water front. Our imaginations went wild. Rocks would become chairs, and tree limbs were straddled and transformed by our imaginations into horses. I was mesmerized by watching ant hills, dissecting an old wasp nests, or studying the remains of an animal skeleton. We also spent time near the ocean and salt water ponds. Horseshoe crabs, unchanged for millions of years, were amazing! Watching seahorse and jellyfish move brought me a sense of awe. I loved it all.  It shaped who I am today, the way I care about mother earth, and my sense of embeddedness in this world.

With this in mind, on April 22, I will be celebrating Earth Day!

Since 1970 this day has been dedicated to helping us remember our connection to mother nature, and our dependence and responsibility to keep this planet healthy. While your children will certainly be talking about this in school, it’s an even more powerful lesson if it’s reinforced at home.  More and more our children are living inside, in urban centres, with less green space and opportunities to engage with nature the way I did as a child. Modernized living is creeping in and separating us from our important relation to the planet.

So, on Earth Day, I encourage families to take the day to think about how much they love and appreciate nature, and how to get out into it more. And, ultimately, I urge you all to think about what more you could be doing to be environmentally conscious.

Here are some great ways families can spend Earth Day:
  1.  Look into local activities and festivals being held in your area.
  2. Get outside and play together in nature. Be sure to discuss how much you appreciate nature when you’re out there.
  3. Pick up litter in your neighbourhood together.

It's never a bad time to show your appreciation and affection towards your family members! A random love note can be a great way to show you're thinking of someone, while also teaching your child the importance of gratitude. 


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