Bake Sale/Art Walk 4/22/16

Our class was thinking about hosting a bake sale the night of art walk. This would require the parents to help bake items and provide the ingredients (in case of allergies). The Orcas will label the items and portion and wrap them if needed. The baked goods would need to be here the Thursday before Art Walk.  I wanted your feed back and who would be willing to participate. The Orcas would be doing the selling. All funds would go to students funds to help pay for the end of year field trip to the pool. Please leave a comment on this post or send me a note if you would be willing to participate.


  1. Vanessa asked me if we could bake some thing for the bake sale and I think we can
    bake some thing for the bake sale

  2. Awesome! Mrs. Yuri will be sending out an email this week since we decided the whole school can participate. Have a great trip ��

  3. Owen will bring in an item for the bake sale. Thanks!


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