Food for Thought

Something new, especially a new job can be overwhelming at first. You have to learn new procedures and new rules, as well as do the job accurately and consistently. We all have been in this position and I can say from my experience that starting anything new can be challenging at first. I look back 8 years ago to my first few months teaching. I was stressed and overwhelmed with new information as well as making sure I was doing what the job asked for. If your student is coming home and saying their work is hard please encourage them that they will figure it out and to use the help bin in class. They have the options of working with friends all week in their centers, putting work in the help bin and I'll go over the work again and also putting their issue in the agenda. They have a lot of options and by now they are aware of these options and how to solve their problems. The best thing a parent can do is encourage them that they will figure it out and again to use the help bin. 


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