Jobs at Home

As a class we have discussed how the Pelicans should be teaching their families how to do family meetings at home. This is very helpful to do and helps parents out as well as your children. It brings the family together and helps the family make decisions together and hear each other out with ideas and issues. This is a great problem solving tool as well for everyone involved. This is a great chore chart I got from Alyson Schafer (parenting expert) on what appropriate chores your children are capable of doing at home. All of your students have jobs at school and these jobs are important because they are contributing to out team and these are things that need to be done and it takes all of us to make it work. No one is paid to do these jobs and there is 100% cooperation at school. These jobs at home should also be a limited choice and even putting the jobs in a jar and letting EVERYONE, including adults, choose a job for a week at your family meeting is helpful and lets everyone be involved. We had a discussion about this in class and all the Pelicans seemed excited about doing family meetings so encouragement and consistency is important to make this work.


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