Pet Day May22nd and 23rd ONLY!! Please read for agreements and procedures for this day


Pet Day will be held Monday, May 22nd and Tuesday, May 23rd only. There are limited spots on the sign up sheet so it's first come. There is allowed 2 pets to stay in the classroom all day and these pets must be in a cage or aquarium that is a small reasonable size. These pets have to be able to stay in the cage all day so no cats, dogs, bunnies or ferrets for these pets. Visiting pets, like dogs, cats, etc. can sign up to come with a parent in the afternoon to visit for 10-15 minutes. Those spots are limited and again you must be signed up previously to come. Wednesday of the same week we will have a pet photo sharing day for all pets that could not come for a visit. Thank you for your cooperation and if you have any questions please comment on here or send in a note.


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