I’m dedicating these last few days to cooperation and encouragement .I’ll be sharing a quote a day of encouragement to the class and to you! If any of the students find a quote they would like to share, have them bring it to class to share for morning carpet time. Sharing encouragement often feels better for the soul than receiving it :) We will be doing many group activities the rest of May. This week we are building cars together. Today we decorated them and tomorrow we assemble! This year has been amazing and I got this inspiration watching the class use sein nets all on their own as a group. I wish every parent got to see this proud moment. The entire class listened to the directions from the park guides. As I walked out into the water every student was doing exactly what the guides explained to do. They were having an amazing time and all cooperating as an incredible team. Seining is not an easy task. No one complained of the water being a little cold at first or that they didn’t want to try it out. Every one was encouraged and excited and just to see and be around such an amazing group was so humbling. We caught some amazing critters and it was so much fun!! Very proud teacher over here!! I enjoy sharing these moments! You have amazing kids and they have grown so much this year! It’s a great time to look back and see the growth they’ve made.
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