Reminders!! Please Read

Year Books can be order still until May 4th. Slips and money must be turned in by that date.

April 26th- Please let me know if you are participating in take your child to work day with a note by Wednesday April 25th for an excused absence.

Art Walk is Friday 27th. All is welcome and encouraged to bring a dish to share at the potluck! It will be from 5:30-7:30.

No Family Ed until May!!

If you need to schedule any meetings please do so through the school email. I will not have access to testing scores until the very end of the school year and will be contacting anyone that needs to be contacted about Summer Bridge.

And last, but not least... THANK YOU for all the paper towels and clorox donations!! We have had a great year with limited illnesses in the classroom and its really helped keeping it as sanitized as possible!


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