Science Fair Heads Up!!

Science Fair Packets will be coming home Friday, Feb. 16th. The packets are due back March 16th and projects and supplies must be here the morning of March 23rd or earlier for the Science Fair. This is the only at home project the school requires for the year. Your student should be doing the majority of the project. The parents should only be helping with getting materials, taking pictures for their board and if any assistance is needed. If the project can not be conducted on their own at school they need to take pictures of them doing it and display them on their board. They can choose any experiment that interests them as long as its a 3rd grade level project or higher.This project should only take a weekend to put together and I know parents are busy, so that's why you are getting it in advance (over a month) to plan some time with your student. They are very excited to do this so please encourage you Pelican through this process. It's Science and we all know Science doesn't have to be perfect!!


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