Proud Moment

On Thursday the students had their 4th portfolio test. This test was an essay writing test and the first of this type for the Pelicans this year. We put a lot of work into practicing to be prepared. I know testing can be stressful, but even after completeling it the class made such a thoughtful mature decision. At lunch I saw them cleaning up a few minutes before our timer went off. They have been eating lunch a few tables away from me, while the teachers are eating together and letting the classes be responsible for themselves while at lunch. So when I finish my lunch and walked over there, the floors were swept, tables wiped and they were quietly standing in a line. They amaze me everyday at the things they say and do. So when I walked up,they said “we talked at lunch and agreed we can do all of this on our own without you asking us to clean up and line up.” They said, “we just wanted to impress you and show you we can.” I was blown away for a few reasons. This class has came together as a team and all listened to each other and did a difficult task to encourage everyone to do the helpful thing. That can be challenging even for adults! Last but not least, they did it! And they accomplished what they wanted without expecting anything in return! They have grown and blossomed so much and I had to share this amazing cooperation because I am beyond proud of them!! Hope you are seeing this level of independence as well at home. So humbling!! :)


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