December Wrap Up

I hope everyone is excited and prepared for the holiday season! We do have a full week this week, including Friday! Friday we will be going to the park so please make sure your student has a water bottle and sneakers on.

Some friendly reminders!! Please NO SODA at school. Only water is allowed in the classroom and the the students that have been bringing soda have been complaining of headache and feeling sick. It's not something that is reasonable to have at school. So again, NO SODA AT SCHOOL!!

Please make sure your students are reading over holiday break as well. When we return we will be having another portfolio test. This will be the 4th. 5 out of 7 portfolio test need to be passed or their reading FSA in April in order to be promoted to 4th grade. Please email the school if you feel you want to check on your student's progress. 

At the point in the year multiplication, subtraction regrouping, division and adding with carrying should be a mastered skill. If your student is struggling with any of these please make sure to practice at home or go on Successmaker Math and Literacy to practice these skills. 


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