
If your student gets ANYTHING contagious I or Ms. Yuri needs to be notified and a doctor's note needs to be sent stating when they can return to school. Please give your student a full 24 hours on antibiotics before they return. Staph infection is currently an issue. If your student has any open sores they need to be covered at all times no matter the area. If your student needs to stay home please just call and I can send home work so they are not getting behind and an excused absence can be recorded. I need everyone's cooperation and communication please. I recommend using a stronger product than lysol during this time to help with a variety of communicable viruses. I will be using one in the classroom as well that is safe and was recommended to me by a doctor to help with the spread of illnesses. Flu season is also in full effect!!

Being sick can be stressful times! A little humor can always help!! :)


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