Practicing skills!

Some skills that should be mastered by winter break are multiplication, division, regrouping with subtraction, telling time and making change with money. All, but multiplication and division were covered in second grade and some students may still be struggling with these concepts. Please practice them at home if this is the case and encourage your pelican. Your student should also be reading every night for at least 20 minutes and returning a reading log at the end of each month. This should be the students responsibility to keep track of and can be done independently.  As we do not give homework, that doesn't mean that skills still do not need to be practiced, but luckily you have the freedom to choose when and how to practice these skills instead of having hours of homework every night! Music is a great way to practice anything so if your Pelican can look up a multiplication or division video and practice that way as well, it's always an entertaining option for them to keep them engaged and have fun with it!!


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