4 DAYS LEFT!!!! Updates

Please make sure your Orca has a large bag by Tuesday so we can start packing up their things to bring home Thursday. Some of the Orcas brought bags at the beginning of the year already. Wednesday is the otters talent show. The kids have came up with their own talent and will be sharing those starting at 9 a.m. Multicultural Day is the last day of school, Thursday. Thursday morning we will each celebrate our country that we have been learning about and then at noon we will be having lunch in the fellowship hall. Parents will be helping cook lunch and that will be lunch for the entire school, so no school lunch on Thursday. If your student does not like baked ziti they are more than welcome to pack their own lunch as well. After lunch we will be having a dodge ball tournament. You are more than welcome to join for this event. We are still in need of parent volunteers to help cook on Thursday. Please let Mrs. Yuri know if you can help. 


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