Week of April 10th updates

Hopefully this week everyone is feeling better and getting back to healthy. I know I was very sick last week (strep and flu B) and my doctor told me there are 10 different strains of viruses going around. So again if your child is sick please keep them home so we do not all keep passing it around.

-3rd grade FSA Math testing is Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Make sure your student has a good nights rest and breakfast both of these days. A water bottle would also be helpful.

-Thursday is Spring Picture day!!

- Blue Jays Reading Bookmarks!! Please make sure you are signing those bookmarks for every 20 minutes your child is reading at home and turning those in for your free baseball tickets and hopefully for our pizza party and special visit from DJ the blue jay.

-Friday there is no school due to the holiday weekend.

- Next Thursday (April 20th) we will be going on a field trip to the Florida Aquarium. Permission slips will go home next Monday.


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