Science Fair Important Dates

Everyone in the Orcas is required to do a science fair project. This year I am letting the Orcas choose any science project that they want to work on. Science Fair packets are going home today and if it gets lost I will include the link on here to print another one at home. This is the student's project and parents are only there to assist with help. The Orcas should be doing all the writing, research and planning.

All project ideas need to be turned into me before or on March 10th. This is just showing me what their project is so no one has the same project. I will approve it and if they need to plan something else out I will let them know,

Science Fair projects with all materials, packet and poster board are due Friday March 24th.

This can be a great learning/bonding experience with your student!! Most importantly have fun!!

Science Fair will be open to the parents and all presentations will be on March 31st. 


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