
Monday, October 10th we will be having a mail carrier visiting and discussing their job and checking out the mail truck. Each Orca should be bringing a stamped envelope addressed to someone they want to send an encouragement to outside of school. They will be giving these to the mail carrier to take with him. Also,Monday is pajama day. The Orcas have been bringing home a lot of things from school this week for parents so please make sure you are getting all of those items. Fall seems to be busy for us and I know we have a ton going on, so feel free to ask questions on here, on our facebook page or send me in a note and I will be happy to answers any questions. I know there were some questions about next weeks spirit week so I will break down the days again in a little more detail.

Monday- P.J. Day- appropriate pajamas can be worn and if slippers are also worn please have your student pack sneakers for P.E.

Tuesday- Superhero Day- your student can dress as any super hero or wear something with a super hero on it if they like.

Wednesday- Wacky Wednesday they can wear crazy hair and mismatched clothing.

Thursday- Fancy Clothes- They can dress up in their fanciest attire if they would like.

Friday- Funky Socks can be worn and then their school colors or school t-shirts (those shirts are always available to be ordered so if you ever need another please just let me know and I have available order forms. They should only take about a week from the time of payment.

Also, order forms for the book the orcas are writing went home yesterday and if you would like to purchase for the discounted price please return the form and payment by October 31st.

October 14th a school fundraiser magazine is going home and those proceeds will go towards the school. That fundraiser is meant to be done outside of school with family and friends for some great holiday gifts!!

Lastly, October 21st we will be having a Fall Festival from 6-8 pm. We will be having it catered so there will be food tickets available for purchase prior to the event. Mrs. Yuri will be sending out an email with all the details. I will also update all the details on here as soon as possible

Thank you families for your support and encouragement!!! I feel really lucky and so does the class with all of the effort and encouragement we are receiving from the families this school year!! The students are really excited and engaged :)


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