Upcoming next week

Tomorrow we will have a field trip to Sunken Gardens. Tuesday is our visit from the bat rescue. Next week is pet week. Your pets can visit our classroom next week, but only if signed up in a slot on our classroom door. Let me stress that if you are not signed up in an available slot that your pet can't visit. If you have a dog or cat, those type of pets can only visit at the end of the day and an adult must be with the pet at all times. Those pets must also be rabies vaccinated.  2 pets per day can visit and 2 pets per day can stay in the classroom but must be in a cage or aquarium. This is a fun event if everyone follows our agreements and is helpful with this process. Afternoon visiting pets can visit for 15 mins and there are 2:00 and 2:15 time slots available. If you have any questions feel free to comment on here or ask. Thank you for your cooperation. 


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