week of Oct 12th

Math: Group A worked on solving story problems and finding what number model to use to solve them. Group B worked on rounding numbers and ball park estimates. We also have been practicing subtraction regrouping (borrowing). Group C has been working on multiplication with money and division. They have just started their 2nd volume math journal. We started reading about the Gold Rush in 1849 and why people were called the forty-niners. We are finishing up our desert animal reports. We are now in the process of officially writing our book. We will be mailing it to be published by Monday. All our research is complete. We read and presented the play "The Three Little Javelinas"at school wide meeting. Everyone needs to be practicing spelling words and multiplication facts. We have been going to the park on Fridays and last week we organized a kick ball game. Everyone has been really helpful and respectful. The park has been a blast!


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